Animal Tracks
& Trails
Wildlife Tracking Course
Combine this course with a Track & Sign Evaluation straight after this course!
See Here...
Nothing opens your eyes or awakens your senses quite like the study of animal tracks and signs. From the faintest marks left behind by insects, the homes, feeding signs and behavioural marks of birds and reptiles, all the way up to the tracks and trails of our largest mammals, animal tracking truly does get you closer to nature than any other outdoor pursuit.
Learning how to track is not a dark art and it can be learned by anyone with a curious mind and an interest in wildlife. A word of warning though, it can become rather addictive, with every simple walk in the woods becoming a journey of discovery!
An Animal Tracks & Signs Intensive
This course will cover the fundamentals of reading tracks and signs as well as introduce more advanced techniques such as gait analyses, interpreting behaviour from tracks and trailing an animal to find it.
Join Cybertracker certified 'Track and Sign Specialist' and self-confessed tracking obsessive Steven Hanton for what promises to be an eye opening and detailed look at the ancient art of animal tracking. (For more on the Tracker Evaluation system, see the European Wildlife Tracking website).
For those who wish to take a Cybertracker Track & Sign Evaluation, we are hosting John Rhyder (Senior Tracker) immediately after this course on the 26/27 July 2025 in the Pitlochry area. For more info, visit this page.
Animal Tracking Course
Syllabus Includes:
How to Identify tracks and signs of mammals, birds, herptiles and insects
How to age tracks
Trailing animals
Gait and track pattern analyses
Track scene interpretation; what was the animal doing?
Feeding signs, homes, scatology, feathers and behavioural signs.
Getting close to animals and minimising your impact
Stealth and camouflage techniques
Bird language and using your awareness
Introduction to the 'Cybertracker' tracking evaluation system

Tracking Course Details
This course is run from the majestic Bonskeid Estate near Pitlochry although we will visit a variety of environments on this course ; riverine, estuary, woodland, coastal and farmland. A mature mixed woodland site on the banks of the River Tummel, this woodland is secluded and has great camping spots. Ancient hazel copse mixed with old oaks, birches and whopping douglas firs make this site a great place to immerse yourself in nature. The wood is full of wildlife and we are truly privileged to be able to run our courses from this special site.
Full joining instructions and arrival details will be sent out in advance of the course
This site is close to Pitlochry, right off the A9, and so is very accessible. We offer a complimentary train pick up service from Pitlochry rail station for up to 4 clients per course on a first come-first serve basis. There is ample private parking on site for those travelling by car.